Stand by Gems Organization + Half The Sky Movement

Produced and choreographed by Kristin Sudeikis, the pro love movement 'STAND' was an evening of dance, live music, film & spoken word benefitting the Gems Organization & Half The Sky Movement

“Love is the only rational act.” — Rainer Maria Rilke. By 'STAND'ing for the GEMS Organization & Half The Sky Movement, we continue to build a foundation of awareness and change. 

"It is an honor to do and create anything in the name of these movements. Art ignites. Art inspires. Art heals. ” - Kristin Sudeikis

Girls Educational & Mentoring Services (GEMS) is the only organization in New York State specifically designed to serve girls and young women who have experienced commercial sexual exploitation and domestic trafficking.

Half The Sky Movement is turning oppression into opportunity for women worldwide.

Kristin Sudeikis